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Cluster Headaches Headache
Headaches act up in "clusters" over several weeks during which one or more headaches occur almost every day, often causing insomnia. Unlike migraines(N), Cluster Headaches commonly affect young- to middle-aged men and do not run in families. Alcohol can induce a headache when a sufferer is in the cycle of clusters. Breathing pure oxygen can abort a Cluster Headache.
Headache Related Topics
Cluster Headaches - Headache
Headaches act up in "clusters" over several weeks during which one or more headaches occur almost every day, often causing insomnia. Unlike migraines(N), Cluster Headaches commonly affect young- to mi..
Headaches - Headache
Headaches come in many varieties, all of which have symptoms that may vary slightly from one another. Primary headaches (including migraines, Cluster Headaches and tension-type of headaches) are a res..
Migraine Headache - Headache
Migraine Headache is a disease that affects 26 million Americans. It is the second leading cause of primary headaches, and often afflicts individuals between the ages of 25-45. It is a neurological ..